Your Trust Deed monthly payments are calculated using your disposable income. Your disposable income is a figure based on a deduction of your essential living costs and offsetting this against your income. The amount left over is the amount of money that you have left to pay your creditors.
When you apply for a Trust Deed in Scotland or Debt Payment Programme, under the Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS) your essential living costs include your priority debts such as your mortgage, or rent commitments and other priorities such as utility bills and council tax.
Allowances are given for childcare, travel expenses, car finance and other essential expenditures are included such as food and even lifestyle costs such as haircuts and hobbies.
Entering into Trust Deeds or any other formal debt solution means that your monthly outgoings caused by unaffordable debt are significantly reduced, your new Trust Deed monthly payments are calculated fairly, alleviating the stress caused by debt.