Where to get additional support
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Additional Support Services For Your Consideration
DAS Scotland have listed below some links to external organisations that we feel may help our customers who need additional support.
We recognise that whilst our services can help you with your debts, there are often other areas, sometimes closely related to your debt problems or even the root cause of your unaffordable debts, where you need further support that is beyond our expertise.
We hope you find this helpful and would encourage you, if you feel it is appropriate, to seek further help from these organisations.
Mental Health
Stress – Anxiety – Depression – Suicidal
Gambling Addictions
Help with post-traumatic stress disorder
Health Conditions
Alcohol, Drug & Substance Misuse
Homeless & Housing
Domestic Abuse
General Wellbeing
Physical Health
Family Support
Money Advice
Bankruptcy Application support
If you need help with a Bankruptcy application, you can also arrange this by using our Bankruptcy Support service.